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Les Innocents/The Innocents

Les Innocents/The Innocents is an immersive queer thriller created by Ann Kreitman. Set in 1897, our audience finds themselves prowling the Paris Catacombs, witnessing Gui, a bohemian composer attempting to resurrect the spirit of the love of their life, Mathilde. Unfortunately for Gui, the séance they conduct produces a variety of other ghosts that inhabit the labyrinth located seven stories below the City of Light. The unrested spirits of a midwife, priest, revolutionary, buskers, butcher's daughter, and a brothel owner selfishly take over Gui’s quest to grieve their lives. Les Innocents/The Innocents is an epic queer myth about the secrets we try to hide from each other.

Creative Team:

Choreography: Mary O'Rourke 
Set Design: Chas Mathieu
Lighting Design: Kate Hardiman 
Costume Design: Erika Clauson 
Sound Designer: Matt Reich 
Makeup Design: Kelly Schmidt 

Dramaturg: Molly Donahue


Emilie Modaff 
August Forman 
Vahishta Vafadari 
Matthew Lunt 
Erich Peltz 


Levi Shrader 
Andrew Lund 
Alec Phan 
Deanalís Resto 
Maggie Miller 

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